As he avoids disclosing his real name, employees have affectionately dubbed him "Mr.Guy"

The current manager of Freddy's, though he picks up some other employee duties as well such as night shift. Funny enough, he was also the manager at Fredbear's and the Grand Re-opening.

He may be a spineless liar, but he tries to be kind to his employees. Generally understanding as far as bosses go.

Knowing the truth causes him to feel pity for the animatronics, even relating to them a bit on the common ground of being trapped at Freddy's. He prefers that people "treat them like members of the team."

Guy is easily startled, always sweaty, and sounds suspicious even when he's telling the truth. He blames the jumpiness on "bad nerves."

Knowing he would probably end up in a suit, Guy made a leap of faith asking Michael to check the backstage. The hope was that Michael would find him inside one of the suits before he was injured too badly. Unfortunately, Michael never ended up checking because he was too afraid.

Guy has a prized stamp collection! One of his only joys in life since his wife divorced him and took the kids.

The kind of guy that constantly trips, spills coffee on himself, and breaks his glasses.

After his death the phones never worked quite right. They were always ringing with nobody on the other side.